Split brain, disk, tools

Current working methods

I’ve been working this past month using Framer X. It’s quite good, a prototyping app that lets you link things (frames) together to make a clicky flow on a mobile. Not revolutionary. The output is a big (BIG) bunch of ReactJS pages and files and it pretty much deploys to Netlify in one go. Fairly handy.

The interactions are nice, and it does proper code where the built in stuff ends, or doesnt get to where you need. This is good for people who code React. I don’t but can muddle along.

Problem: Framer X needs a modern version of MacOS - ideally Mojave. I do not run Mojave on my work laptop. It is old, much like me, a late-2013 15" MBP with all the holes and works great. It runs Sierra from 2016. I can’t be bothered to update everything, as a new laptop is due “soon” and hopefully that will last another 6 years.

Solution: Set up an external boot SSD for a basic set of tools + Framer X. Cool. That took a day to get working, annoyingly.


So in this setup I do some general work, design, etc in the old world in an age appropriate version of Illustrator (CS6) or Photoshop (CS6) and put together some collaborative stuff in Figma. Admin, Email, all the rest.

Then I do a quick boot into the new world on Mojave (not quick - takes about 4x as long as Sierra! WTF) and spend the majority of the day there. No desktop browser twitter (not set up the logins). Figma, Slack, Spotify. Not much else. No life, no admin.

Getting lots of work done, it works nicely. Keeps focus. There might be something in it.

Anyway, thought I’d make a note of it.