Small icon set
This design used lots of whitespace, small type and blue links in a lot of places. In addition there is a visual language of small, clear icons used in toolbars and lists to add meaning and grouping to the page.
The main set of visual language is a set of icons, mostly in one sprite, and are based partly on the Glyphicons Halflings set used in Bootstrap. If you need additional icons, one of these will probably work well.
Spanner / Actions or Tools
Action / Add or join a thing
Action / Add a new thing
Action / Edit a thing
Action / Print
Action / Remove or Delete
Action / Add a link or attachment
Action / Duplicate
Action / Merge Tags
Action / Send or Resend message
Cog / Settings or Customisation
Shopping cart / Used for materials
Clock / Used for events, dates, times
Metadata / Type: Generic Document
Metadata / Type: Tag or Keyword
Metadata / Type: Link or Attachment
Metadata / Type: Book or Report
Metadata / Type: Experiment or Material
Metadata / Type: Graph, Data or Figure
Metadata / Type: Protocol or List
Metadata / Type: Gene or DNA Sequence
Metadata / Type: Cells
Metadata / Type: Plasmids
Filter / Apply, switch or change filters
Favourite / Off, can be made a favourite
Favourite / On
Lock / Secure or private items
Unlock / Remove security, public data
Check Lock / Change password, apply security
User / Active users
User / Inactive or unavailable users
File / Data Upload
File / Data Download
Status / Done or Complete items
Affordance / Handle to drag horizontally
Affordance / Arrow indicates item contains multiples, click to reveal
Affordance / Arrow indicates item is sorted top to bottom, click to reverse sorting order
Affordance / Arrow indicates item is sorted bottom to top, click to reverse sorting order
Miscellaneous Icons
Apart from this visual language, plus boxes, lines and arrows, there are only a few additional icons.